
Professor Lockdown Randi Weingarten Promoted To DOHS School Committee.

Professor Lockdown Randi Weingarten Promoted To DOHS School Committee.

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Randi Weingarten, a prominent figure in the American Federation of Teachers, has recently been named to the Department of Homeland Security’s School Safety Advisory Committee.

This decision comes at a time when fresh evidence has emerged regarding the detrimental impact of school lockdowns on American children. Weingarten played a significant role in advocating for and successfully extending these lockdowns.

The recent release of the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress results, considered the benchmark for measuring learning, revealed a significant decline in reading and math skills among 13-year-old students in the United States. Today’s children are performing worse in math than their parents and worse in reading than their grandparents.

While the causes of this decline are multifaceted, it is undeniable that a year or more of ineffective “remote learning” contributed to this drop in educational achievement.

Many supported the initial closure of New York City’s schools in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. However, subsequent data showed that children, except those with specific risk factors, were not significantly at risk from the virus and did not contribute significantly to its transmission.

It also became evident that “remote learning” was largely ineffective, with many teachers failing to provide adequate education online. By the fall, schools should have reopened, as demonstrated by numerous states.

Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos actively advocated for reopening schools, clearly demonstrating her commitment to prioritizing the well-being and education of students. However, the decision to keep schools closed predominantly stemmed from the influence of powerful teachers’ unions in the areas where closures persisted.

While some teachers genuinely harbored concerns, despite readily available information, others were content with receiving pay without fulfilling their teaching responsibilities.

She is now trying to portray the criticism she faces as an attack on a powerful progressive Democrat leading a union that aligns with the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, the party’s leadership is complicit in this charade, as evident by appointing someone who has shown a disregard for the well-being of children to a panel focused on “school safety.”

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