
NY Orchestra Hidden From View For Wearing “Fair Contract” Union T-Shirts

NY Orchestra Hidden From View For Wearing “Fair Contract” Union T-Shirts

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The prestigious New York ballet organization has taken the drastic step of indefinitely canceling special performances during which the orchestra is raised for the audience’s viewing before a show commences. This decision comes in the wake of the musicians’ insistence on wearing T-shirts advocating for higher pay.

According to an insider, the decision to scrap the orchestra’s appearance before the audience is viewed as a “desperate” and “petty overreaction” by management. The majority of orchestra members have been donning black short-sleeved shirts emblazoned with “Fair Contract” in white as part of a dispute over perceived unfair wages, sources associated with the union have indicated.

The insider remarked, “I believe the message on [the T-shirts] truly irks the ballet.” Consequently, NYC Ballet management opted to cancel the “See the Music” programming series, where the orchestra pit is elevated to stage level, and the music director addresses the audience about the upcoming piece while the musicians perform selected excerpts. These programs, lasting approximately 15 minutes before the pit descends, provide ballet enthusiasts with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the music and observe the orchestra before the ballet begins.

The insider expressed disappointment at the management’s decision to abandon this tradition, stating, “Both the orchestra and the dancers invest themselves in this work together, and it’s truly disheartening to witness management completely eliminate it.” The move has been interpreted as a sign of the low regard in which the NYC Ballet management holds its orchestra.

Orchestra members made the decision to wear their sentiments regarding salary negotiations on their sleeves when the season opened on September 19 and intend to continue wearing the T-shirts until the wage dispute is resolved, regardless of the consequences. Some of the shirts include a quote from renowned choreographer and NYC Ballet co-founder George Balanchine, who famously stated, “See the music, hear the dance,” underscoring the relationship between the ballet’s musicians and its dancers.

Nevertheless, these T-shirts represent a significant departure from the orchestra’s usual attire of formal black and white ensembles, the insider noted. While acknowledging that management may not be pleased with the departure from decorum, the source emphasized the direct message conveyed by the T-shirts concerning the orchestra’s sentiment regarding its treatment by management.

The orchestra’s most recent contract, signed in December 2021, expired in August, as indicated by the union’s press release. The musicians, who earn an average of approximately $75,000 annually, contend that they endured a 15% wage reduction in the 2021 contract during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite ballet ticket sales surpassing pre-pandemic levels, they assert that musician wages have not rebounded accordingly.

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