
Anti-Circumcision Protest Sighted In Staten Island

Anti-Circumcision Protest Sighted In Staten Island

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In terms of “my body my choice” protests, this is not something that gains a lot of attention. Usually overshadowed by other issues in America, male circumcision is not a story that makes headlines.

Regardless of your opinion on the topic, the fact remains that in New York, with the permission of a parent, doctors are allowed to remove the foreskin of a child even if there is no underlying medical issue to do so.

As a result of this, protesters took to the streets to claim that this procedure causes lifelong injury. The group resonsible for this protest were the “Bloodstained Men” who can easily be found on Twitter.

While male circumcision has long been accepted as a normal practice in many societies, there have been some pockets of criticism and opposition to it. Some of the common reasons for opposing male circumcision include:

  1. Human rights concerns: Critics argue that male infants are unable to provide informed consent for the procedure, raising ethical questions about bodily autonomy and human rights.
  2. Medical necessity: Some critics argue that male circumcision is unnecessary and can be seen as a cosmetic procedure rather than a medically essential one. They argue that routine circumcision may not have significant health benefits to warrant its widespread practice.
  3. Pain and risks: The procedure can cause pain and carries certain risks, like any medical intervention. Critics contend that these risks should be carefully considered and weighed against the perceived benefits.
  4. Cultural and religious beliefs: In some cases, protests against male circumcision might stem from opposition to the cultural or religious beliefs associated with the practice.

It is important to emphasize that while there may be individuals or groups who protest male circumcision, the vast majority of male circumcisions worldwide are performed without controversy and are considered a customary practice in many communities.

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